
Easy, Healthy Breakfast Recipes For The Whole Family

Today I wanted to share with you two super easy and healthy breakfast recipes everyone in your house will love.

I hate cooking,  it is not something that I really ever enjoyed.  However it is a necessary evil, my family has to eat.  We try to eat healthy, we don’t do take out, therefore I try to make the healthiest version of everything I cook.  I also try to food prep a bit on the weekend’s to make our week easier and these two have been a life saver!

Overnight Nights

Why did I not start making this sooner?  They are SO good and SO easy.

All you do is at night before bed put the following in a small Tupperware container (this is a single serving):

-1/2 cup old fashioned oats

-1/2 cup almond milk

-handful of blueberries

-drizzle of honey

-dash of cinnamon

Put the lid on and throw it in the fridge overnight.  The next morning, take off the lid and enjoy.  I love to eat them cold but some people may prefer to warm them in the microwave a bit.  You can also substitute the blueberries for anything else you may want.

Zucchini Bread

I usually double the recipe, keep one out to eat and then freeze the other.  This is super healthy and easy to make (and toddler approved too!)

Preheat the over to 325 degrees
Grate a medium zucchini (1 cup) and set aside.

In a large bowl combine:

-1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour

-1/2 cup almond milk

-1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce

-1/4 cup honey

-1/4 cup maple syrup

-2 eggs

-1/2 tsp salt

-1 tsp baking soda

-1 tsp cinnamon

-1/4 tsp nutmeg

-1 tsp vanilla extract

Once everything is combined stir in the zucchini (be sure to pat off any moisture first)

Spray a 9″x5″ loaf pan with a non-stick spray

Bake for 50-55 mins.

Keeps well for a couple of days at room temperature in an air tight container.

If I am freezing I like to slice in 8 pieces once cooled and put each piece in a sandwich bag.  Then I put all the bags in a gallon freezer bag and place in the freezer.  This makes it so much easier to defrost and eat a single serving.

You can also substitute the zucchini for other things like pumpkin, banana’s, or blueberries.

Hope you guys enjoy these as much as my family does!  xo