
Summer Life Update

I seriously cannot believe that summer is halfway over it makes me so sad because it’s my favorite time of the year. Also, I love the warm weather and having little kids means a slight break from the strict schedules. I am also not a fan of the winter time and do not enjoy the cold at all so I am already dreading that.

two kids for Summer Life Update

Poolside Fun

We have been outside in the pool almost every single day at some point and Joey, my three-year-old, has been having lots of friends over for swim play dates. I’ll tell you that kid is certainly living his best life this summer and the baby has been having a lot of fun as well.

When I was pregnant with Joey back in 2015 I talked my husband into putting in a pool and it was one of the best things we ever did. Not only does it look beautiful on our property but it gets used so much. We are out there all the time even if it’s just for an hour to break up the day.

It’s a little tough having to hold Jason on my lap but I know next year it’s going to be so much easier because he will be two and running around with a puddle jumper just like his big brother.

two kids at the poolside for Summer Life Update

Trip to the Beach

We’ve gone to the beach a couple times and even made a trip down to Long Beach Island in New Jersey. I’m from New Jersey and grew up going to the beach all the time but really hardly ever went to LBI. We had a great time, and the boys definitely had a lot of fun. In search of hotels, we stayed at the brand new Hotel LBI. The hotel is absolutely gorgeous. Also, they have a rooftop bar, a pool that’s indoor/outdoor with a bar, and the rooms are beautiful.

We for the most part just relaxed and walked around and went to nice dinner’s. The trip of course was not without a few hiccups like people partying in the room above us at the hotel, there being no bathroom on the beach, and it taking six hours to get there instead of three. Nonetheless it was a great trip and we made some wonderful memories. If you’re looking to book a hotel I would highly recommend this one.

kids playing at the beach
kid sitting at the shore

Interior Projects

I tend to do home interior projects and decorating during the winter time so I’m already starting to look around and see what I want to update around the house and trying to plan that all out. I’m thinking of adding a ‘Cloffice’ space to my bedroom as well as re-doing the spindles on my staircase. I have pipe dreams about putting an addition on but I know that will never happen LOL. I am also into adding stylish furniture such as those from tranthomasdesign.com/products/.

Next month Joseph turns four and starts pre-K4 at the elementary school here in town. I did some fall back to school shopping during the Nordstrom sale last week but I really need to get on the ball for planning his party that we are having.

We don’t have any big vacations planned until December when we go to Disney. We try to take our bigger trips in the winter time since my husband owns a landscaping business and is off more during that time of year. It’s also nice to get away some place warm when the weather isn’t so great here.

I have to say that I am really enjoying my summer with these two. I love spending time with them and watching them grow and have fun. It really makes me realize that this is really what life is all about.

What are you up to this summer? Share on Instagram

