
My Current Self Tanning Routine

Ten years ago I was diagnosed with Melanoma. It was not a fun surgery but I was lucky it was caught early and didn’t need any other treatment. While I don’t stay completely out of the sun I do wear sunblock and avoid tanning beds (which is most definitely what caused it). I also use self tanner regularly. I don’t have a need to be super tan but I like to have a little bit of color and healthy glow. Here is what my current self tanning routine looks like.

woman showing her Self Tanning Routine
woman showing her Self Tanning Routine by applying tanning products on her arm
woman self tanning her legs

products for Self Tanning Routine

My Current Self Tanning Routine


I always start by taking a shower and shaving. Then I use a body scrub to exfoliate. This always removes any dry, dead skin as well as any older self tanner. Tanner always applies better to clean skin so this is super important.

Lightly Moisturize

I don’t apply lotion all over my entire body but I do make sure I put some on my elbows, knees, and ankles. These are always the spots that tend to get more dry and we don’t want the self tanner to get patchy in those areas.

Apply the Self Tanner

I can not for the life of me sleep in it, I just do not like the feeling. So I will put it on and just leave it on for a few hours while I am home doing stuff. The past year or so I have been loving this express one because I only leave it on for 2 hours then I shower it off. The color pay off is shockingly good and not at all orange. I use the mitt and apply it all over my body, just not my face. I usually start with my arms and work my way down. Then, I dry for a few minutes then throw on some loose black clothes or a robe.


While my body tanner is drying I moisturize my face like normal then I apply this facial self tanner. I have been using it for over a decade and love that it just gives a hint of color. I typically use it twice a week at night. Also, I make sure the nights I am using it that I exfoliate my face in the shower as well.

Check out some of my favorite pieces to transition your wardrobe to spring here.

