
5 Time Saving Mom Hacks

If I could have more of anything, it would be time. Since having my kids there I just not enough of it. There is always SO much to do. Running businesses full time is a lot of work but then add on meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking. Running a business demands significant courage and effort. To enhance payment processing and adeptly track associated fees, owning a card machine comparison becomes an essential asset.

The constant cleaning, laundry, errands and taking care of the kids. Let’s not forget the working from home and virtual learning this year. I also always carve out time to do things with them too like going to the park, aquarium, and other fun things for them to do. There is no doubt that we are all busy, so I wanted to share with you my 5 time saving mom hacks to make your day’s easier and run smoother.

5 Time Saving Mom Hacks
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5 Time Saving Mom Hacks

5 Time Saving Mom Hacks

Plan Out Your Week

Every weekend I plan for my week ahead. I write everything done. What appointments we have, I get my content ready for blogging, and write down a list of all of my to do’s that I want to get done. This way throughout the week I can check everything off as I go. I use my phone calendar for appointments and then a planner to make my lists and write everything down more in detail. I also recommend using span-a-year wall calendars especially if you have a home office.

I make sure groceries are stocked, our meals are planned out, and the house is clean and in order. By doing this on the weekend that means that I can spend my week focused on working and the kids and not having to worry too much about housework or running to the store to get something. I use Peapod to deliver my groceries Friday evenings so I am stocked for the following week.

Prepare Things Ahead of Time

At night I always get things ready for the next day. I make the kids lunch and pack my older son’s backpack and snack I get all of our clothes laid out to wear. I take out whatever I am going to make for dinner so it can defrost. This is super helpful because there is nothing I hate more than rushing in the morning, it just sets the tone for a bad day. I also love to put dinner in the crockpot in the morning or cook it in the afternoon if I am working from home. This way when my older son gets home from school I don’t have to worry about being stuck in the kitchen and we can go outside to play.

Get Up Before Your Kids

Now this is challenging for me because my boys have always been early risers. They are always up between 6 and 6:30am. However 6 months ago I decided to get up at workout at 5am a few days of the week. It is nice to get sometime to do something for myself and enjoy some quiet time before the day begins. It has honestly been a game changer for me and if I could just get myself to bed earlier I would do it every single day. Whether it is working out, doing some work, or just putting in your Amazon order, it is so nice to get one thing checked off of your list so early in the day.

Working Out at Home

Finding the time to workout can be daunting but if you are just going to your living room to do it, it is something you can easily squeeze into your day. There are tons of workouts where you can just use your body weight, dumbbells, or a band. Instagram and YouTube have tons for free. My favorite is a Tabata workout. Just download a Tabata timer, set a timer for 45 seconds on with 15 seconds of rest. Pick 8 different moves and do 3 rounds. It is a killer workout but super ease to squeeze into your day.

Get Help

This is going to be different for everyone because everyone has different means to do so. Get your groceries delivered, hire a housekeeper to clean, or even a babysitter to come help you with things around the house. I personally do all of the above and this allows me to free up time to get more work done, spend more time with my kids, or even have a date night.

Time Saver’s For Moms

Crockpot Meals

Cooking dinner in a crockpot is a HUGE time saver! I usually put it in the crockpot in the morning while the boys are eating breakfast and it is done in time for dinner. Is there anything better than that? And it doesn’t have to be anything crazy. It can be stew meat with potatoes and carrots and gravy or chicken with bbq sauce. You can literally cook everything and anything.

Robot Vacuum

This is one of my favorite mom hacks because it saves me so much time. My boys are messy! I do not feel like pulling out the vacuum to clean up their crumbs after every time they eat. I keep the robot vacuum in my lower level and after every meal I turn it on. Thats it! The one I have works so well and picks up all of the crumbs and dog hair. I highly recommend it!

Grocery Delivery

I have been using Peapod for years now and absolutely love it. All I do use the app to choose my groceries and they are here for whatever day and time I choose. They do a great job at picking out meat and produce too. No more dragging the kids to the grocery store. This saves me so much time because all I have to do is put them away.

Prepare Breakfast At Night

Breakfast is a meal I never skip, but I am not in the mood to cook in the morning. My favorite go to breakfast is overnight oats. I usually prepare two at a time so I have breakfast for 2 mornings. Overnight oats are filling and so good for you.

Invest in A Meal Kit Delivery

Meal kits like Hello Fresh are a great and easy way to prepare a delicious and fresh dinner. They send you everything you need with a recipe card telling you how to make it. What is easier than that? My older son loves helping make them so they are a great way to do something together in the kitchen.

Get Organized

This is a BIG one. Organization not only makes my mind happy but it makes my day go smoother when everything is where it belongs. I tackle organization projects as needed however I try to take the time once every week or two to put things back in order that have gotten a bit disheveled. You can read some of my favorite organization hacks here.

Those are my top 5 time saving mom hacks! By implementing just a few of these time saving hacks you can make your day run much smoother and help you save time. Be sure to subscribe to my blog and get notified every time I post!