
Workout Wednesday: Tabata

Working out has always been a big part of my life. I use to work out 90 mins a day, reading all the fitness magazines. However when I had my kids it took a backseat. A few months after having my youngest I started to make it a priority again and for the past year and a half I have been working out regularly with my personal trainer who is also an amazing nutritionist. She really helped me shed those last 10 lbs after the baby. I work out with her 3 times a week for 30 mins.

I love working out with a trainer because they really motivate and push you. They also correct you when you are doing something wrong and show you how to properly do the moves. Every single workout is completely different too so that helps keep you from hitting a wall. I am also very lucky to have a full gym at my house so I have also been trying to squeeze in 1 to 2 workouts a week in there, even if it is just for 20-30 mins.

I feel like people think they need to work out for 1 to 2 hours every single day to see results and that could not be farther from the truth. You can have an amazing workout in 30 mins or less if you work hardcore the entire time. And by doing a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout like Tabata, you will continue to burn fat all day long. I personally have been lifting a lot of weights for the passed year so this month I am focusing more on cardio and fat burning workouts.

Below is a video of a Tabata workout that we did last week. We did 8 different moves, completing each move 4 times for 20 seconds each with a 10 second rest in between. The video is sped up for time purposes but this entire workout took me 25 minutes. You can google each move to see a clearer picture on how to properly do it if need be. The moves can also be easily modified to do them at home. You can download a Tabata timer app that is a huge help. I am by no means or an expert. I am just a regular girl so I hope this helps you.

You can check out my last post here where I am sharing how I have been brightening my skin.

