
Snowball Cookie Recipe

Before I had kids, when I actually had extra time, I would bake up a storm. I loved doing it and at Christmas time especially, I would bake for days. Nowadays I am much busier but I always make sure I bake Christmas cookies. It may not be the hundreds that I use to make, but I still make a few different kinds. The one cookie that I think is my specialty that I make sure I bake every year are my Snowball Cookies (also called Russian Tea Cakes). They are SO good. They aren’t overly sweet and they are something I feel like everyone loves. Here is my go to snowball cookie recipe I have been making for the past 15 years and they come out perfect every time.

The Best Snowball Cookie Recipe

the best Snowball Cookie Recipe

Ingredients needed:

-1 cup of butter

-1/4 cup of sugar

-2 cups of flour

-1 1/2 cups of finely chopped pecans

-1 tsp of vanilla extract

-powdered sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Cream sugar and butter together. Then add in vanilla extract. Add flour. Then lastly add pecans. Beat until well mixed and dough is formed.
  3. Roll into 1 inch balls spaced 1 inch apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.
  4. Bake for 15 minutes.
  5. Let cool for a few minutes then roll into powdered sugar while still warm.
  6. Once completely cooled roll into the powdered sugar again.

This Snowball Cookie recipe is easy to make and does not take a lot of ingredients which I love. They also freeze well. Enjoy!

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