
How To Keep a Clean House As A Working Mom

As a working mom keeping a clean house is no easy task. Especially with two messy little boys and one big dog. However it is so important for me to keep it clean because looking at a big old mess stresses me out. It actually gives me anxiety. When everything is clean and in it’s place in brings me an insane amount of peace. I also swear we just all breath better and feel better when everything is clean. I am going to share with you my practical and easy to do tips that will help busy, working moms keep their house clean without compromising their time for other things. My house is literally almost always clean and this is how I do it. Here is my advice on how to keep a clean house as a working mom.

How To Keep a Clean House As A Working Mom

Have a Cleaning Schedule

Creating a cleaning schedule is crucial. It is going to make your life easier as a working mom. This works for stay at home moms, working full time moms, work from home moms, and busy moms in general. It can be so overwhelming to think of all of the cleaning tasks you need to complete around the house. However by breaking it down, even if it is just 30 minutes day, it makes that list of to-do’s much more attainable and make your life easier. Plus you are not going to dread it quite so much. It’s also important to note that you can get professional assistance every so often as well. If things start to pile up and get out of hand, or if you would like to start over with a freshly and professionally cleaned house, it would be worthwhile to call a commercial cleaning service and let them take over. I am going to share an actual weekly cleaning schedule with you below. I break it down to just a few chores a day throughout the week and saving some more of the deep cleaning for the weekend. Everyone does things different and has a different schedule so it is up to you to find a schedule that works best for you.

Do Laundry Every Day

I do at least one load of laundry every single day and it is part of my daily routine. I put a load in the washing machine every single morning while I am getting ready. Then I put in the dryer everyday at lunch time. And then I fold it and put it away at night after the kids take their bath. If you are gone all day you can just throw it in the dryer when you get home and then fold it before bed. If it is a day that I am home more I will do multiple loads. I also wash our sheets every single weekend. There is nothing more daunting than the need to wash and fold a million loads of laundry at once. This is one of my biggest tips and tricks.

Invest In A Robot Vacuum

Buying a robot vacuum is probably one of the absolute best purchases I have ever made. I recommend that everyone get one if they can afford it, especially if you have kids. I keep ours downstairs in the dining room. Every evening when I am cleaning up dinner, I turn it on to clean up all of the crumbs in the kitchen that have accumulated throughout the day. Obviously it gets turned on as needed as well. For us, our downstairs gets the dirtiest since the kids are always running around with snacks and half of what they are eating lands underneath the kitchen table. It is also amazing at picking up dog hair. It is so nice to not have to break out the swiffer and regular vacuum everyday now either. Having a robot vacuum allows me to multi-task since it cleans up the mess while I do other things, like give the boys their baths after dinner. They have a ton of different ones and different price points as well. This is the one I have and love it.

Have Cleaning Supplies Available

We store a majority of our cleaning supplies downstairs and in the pantry. However I keep a basket of some supplies, as well as a Swiffer, upstairs in our hallway linen closet. This way a couple of times a week I can clean up the floors, wipe down the bathroom vanities, and empty the upstairs garbages as needed. If it is upstairs and close to me I am more likely to do it right then instead of putting it off because I just do not feel like heading down to grab what I need..

Get Organized

It may seem overwhelming at first, but by having an organized house means that everything has it’s place. And by everything having a place means that it is much more likely to be put away. Every single thing in our house has a ‘home’. Yes it is time consuming at first but once you do it, it makes your day to day life so much easier and makes cleaning up quicker. Here you can see how I organize my kitchen, and here my pantry. We are building a closet for me this year so I will share more bedroom and clothing organization then. I will also share on my Instagram soon how we store the boys toys downstairs so we don’t have to stair at them all day. This is also a huge bonus when you have kids because they can put their own stuff away because they know where it goes.

My biggest advice when it comes to getting organized is taking it one space at a time. Whether it be a closet, a cabinet or a drawer. You want to take every single thing out. Throw away or donate anything you no longer need or use. Also ask yourself if it something you need access too often? If not maybe you keep it and store it in a bin in the basement. Then put everything back. The organizers I have linked in my Amazon Store are so helpful for all of this.

Get Help

Obviously not everyone has the means to do this but if getting help around the house is attainable for you then do it. I personally have someone that comes and cleans every two weeks. Then on Friday mornings my wonderful babysitter comes and helps with a few things around the house. This allows me to do other things like get work done, or take my little one to his play class. So even if you can’t afford a professional cleaning person maybe hire a high school student to come help a few hours a week if you can. Make no mistake though, I end up cleaning every single day. Our house isn’t small so there is always something that needs to be done.

Cleaning Schedule For Working Moms

Click here to download an easy to follow cleaning checklist schedule that will help you stay on top of that mess and keep your house clean. It will really help reduce the time to clean by breaking the cleaning tasks up and making them a part of your daily routine. I also like to do as much as I can in the morning so in the evening I can relax and spend time with the kids. I will even on occasion get up and get ready before them so before work and school I can check some things off of my list.

Hopefully this helps you stay on top of that mess and make how you clean your house much easier because it has helped me so much! Remember, find a routine that works for you, and just stick with it. Getting into a routine is always half of the battle.