
Easy Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is just around the corner and with the unfurling of new leaves come spring cleaning time! The start of spring is the best time to open those windows and get your home in tip top shape. Spring cleaning can sometimes feel like a daunting task and the idea of tackling every nook and cranny can be overwhelming, tiring, and time-consuming, so I am sharing a roundup of tips that can make deep cleaning easy and doable, not only during springtime, but any time of the year as well. Here are some of my favrorite easy spring cleaning tips

Easy Spring Cleaning Tips

woman with her dog sharing Easy Spring Cleaning Tips

Declutter Before Cleaning

It’s always best to do a declutter before you even think about deep cleaning. This includes getting rid of old clothes you haven’t worn in over a year and anything you don’t think you’ll wear in the future.

Start High and End Low

Clean and dust your light fixtures, your ceiling, crown molding, fans — all of it! Invest in a good duster with a microfiber top. If your duster has an extended arm, you’ll be able to clean more surface area and get those hard to reach spots. If there’s dirt and grime build up on the floor boards, you can mix some warm water, soap and a little bit of white vinegar to clean it. The vinegar also prevents mold and mildew from growing.

Clean Your Windows

Clean your window sills with a duster or small, handheld vacuum and spray your windows with windex or glass cleaner. If you want your windows cleaned professionally, then you may consider hiring a window cleaning specialist.

Dust Your Home

Clean all surfaces and rid them of dust with a feather duster, or my personal favorite, the swiffer duster. If you get the one I mentioned before with the extendable arm, you can use it to dust ceiling fans and air vents.

Deep Clean Your Flooring

You might have to move some furniture around, but it’s best to sweep the hard floors first, and vacuum the carpets. You’ll also want to wash any doormats or small rugs. You may even consider hiring a professional rug cleaning service to help clean your rugs. Next, you can mop the hard floors to make sure you get all the dirt up!

Cleaning the Kitchen

You’ll want to clean your sink using some tried and true Clorox and you’ll also want to throw out any old dish sponges and replace them with new ones. For your appliances, a little white distilled vinegar goes a long way and it protects the surfaces from getting damaged by harmful cleaning products. If you keep a junk drawer in your kitchen, clean that out and throw anything away that you don’t need anymore. You can go to your local Home Goods and buy storage containers for your drawers to keep things organized

Spring Cleaning Essentials

Microfiber Cloths- Can be used to clean countertops, sinks, appliances and pretty much any other surface area in your home!

Cleaning Caddy- You can keep this under your kitchen sink or in a hall closet to keep all of your cleaning essentials organized and in one spot.

Plastic Gloves- You’ll definitely want to use these when cleaning the kitchen and bathroom and any other dirty areas in your home.

Bucket- The bucket would be used for your mop unless you have a Swiffer wet jet.

Vacuum Cleaner- Everyone has one of these, but in the event that you don’t, it’s an essential to have in every home, no matter how little or small.

If your house is too big to do a general cleaning on your own, you can hire residential cleaning services to help.

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Here I’ve included a downloadable file you can use to check off rooms as you go while you’re spring cleaning. If you have any fun tips of your own, feel free to leave a comment below! Remember, cleaning can be fun! Don’t think of it as a chore. Put on your favorite music, make yourself a glass of ice water with lemon and get to it!